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April 27, 2010

Remember those days when you were in primary school/high school/college/university(locally), both of your parents will sure tell/remind you to sleep early while you were busy playing computer/video games, watching television, doing assignments, going out for supper meals with your friends, etc…

We have been hearing it since young from our parents millions of times and most even tend to give up on telling us, however some still care about us to avoid us having sleep deprivation knowing that we have something important on the following day such as activities, classes, family reunion and so forth. Yes, sleeping late will cost many negative effects. We all should have enough number of hours of sleep every single day.

Find out more of sleep deprivation and its negative effects here.

However, if you ever travel overseas to study or work, have you ever thought what is the meaning of sleeping early if you’re classes or shift is at night only? Imagine you’re local GMT(Greenwich Mean Time) is +05.00h and you travel to another country where its GMT is +10.00h and the time difference is 5 hours ahead, will it still affects your health when you sleep late and have a minimum number of hours of sleep everyday?

For example, your classes/shifts starts at 3pm every weekdays, but you sleep at 4am and wake up at 1pm in the afternoon. Could we consider this as a healthy lifestyle? Or we should all sleep real early before the time touches midnight and wake up when the sun is rising up?

Think about it.

– The Mimic-

2 Comments leave one →
  1. April 27, 2010 12:02 PM

    waking up late tires me more somehow. morning seems fresher and cooler.

    -fLappy biRd-

  2. April 27, 2010 7:25 PM

    Your biological clock will automatically tune itself according to the timing that you use regularly. If you are a permanent night shift worker then your body will tune itself according to that lifestyle. However if you constantly change your timing, your body will not be able to catch up and thus causing fatigue or no appetite and things like that. I am of course excluding the light factor that would affect your sleep. I’m also excluding the factor of heat from the sun during the noon.

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